Category: WordPress

How to customize wordpress user emails

In this article we will show you how to customize wordpress user emails messages, this is achieved by using core WordPress filters to modify the email before being sent.

How to create a WordPress edit profile shortcode and add it to any page

This article show you how to create a WordPress edit profile shortcode that can be added to any page, allowing logged in users to manager their profile via a frontend WordPress user profile form instead of using the built in WordPress admin edit profile screen.

How to add a lost password form and password reset form to a WordPress page

How to display a WordPress lost password form and password reset form on any page using a custom shortcode, enhancing both forms to submit via ajax to improve the user experience.

How to add a WordPress Registration Form to a page

How to display a WordPress registration form on any page using a custom shortcode, enhancing the wordpress registration page to submit the form via ajax, offer users a richer wordpress registration experience.

How to add a WordPress login form to a page

In this article we will create a WordPress login form shortcode, display it on a page and allow users to login to wordpress using AJAX, in doing by capturing wordpress login requests and returing a JSON response.

Automatically post to social media from WordPress

This article shows you how to automatically post to social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter when a WordPress post is published. Guiding you through the process of connecting to Facebook Opengraph and Twitter API to post status messages.

Restrict access to WordPress media files to logged in users using ACF

Explore how to restrict access to wordpress media files using htaccess rules and php to disallow unathorized viewing of wordpress attachments

Customize wordpress search results, searching custom fields and related taxonomy terms

This article shows how to customize wordpress search results by exploring the main WordPress search query and extending WP_Query to include extra WordPress search fields such as custom fields and related taxonomy terms. This is accomplished using SQL JOINS on the postmeta and taxonomy database tables into the search query via the posts_join and posts_where filters.

Create Custom Post Status in WordPress using register_post_status()

This article will show you how to create custom post status in WordPress and add that post status to the WordPress post status drop down menu.

How to Prefix WordPress post permalinks without affecting custom post type permalinks

This snippet of code shows you how to change the structure of your WordPress URL’s from /your-post-slug to /blog/your-post-slug without changing other post types URL, by creating a rewrite rule and modifying the output of the_permalink() and get_permalink().